Monday, July 21, 2008

How Do I Look?

Do you feel that womyn take pride in their appearance? Do you feel that womyn take pride in our self-image? If so, do you feel that we take TOO much pride in our appearance and self-image? Why do you feel womyn hold such high value for hair and appearance? Is this a problem or is this perfectly fine? How do we feel about the stereotypes that are prevalent about us?

Friday, July 4, 2008


working to find a cure today...will save a life tomorrow


Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 12:00am
Friday, October 31, 2008 at 12:00am
University of California at Riverside
University Avenue
Riverside, CA
Great Womyn in Progress seeks to implement educational awareness programs and participate in community service.Breast Cancer awareness is an issue that we feel needs to be assessed in our community and it is also an issue we are very passionate about. As womyn we need to be aware of health programs and treatment that concern other womyn.We must educate ourselves and educate each other.Great Womyn in Progress is excited to present to you: THiNK PiNK, a month-long Breast Cancer awareness event. This event will include a food sale, tabling at the Bell Tower, an educational workshop, and a Run/Walk-a-thon.All proceeds from each event will be donated to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation.

To make this event an success, we are asking for volunteers and contributions, if you and/or your organization would like to add resources, an helping hand or work in accordance with Great Womyn in Progress please contact us through email.

Young womyn leaving a positive impact on society?

Do we as womyn feel that it is necessary for our community to make contributions to society? Do we feel that we are already make positive contributions to society? Do we like the way we are portrayed by the media? Do we feel that we are in enough positions of power in this society? Do we have established a community with one another? How important is education to us? How important is self-respect to us? How do we get society to place more value on womyn? How important is self-love? What is success to womyn? What is important to us? How important is money, power, respect? How do womyn succeed in our endeavors? Do womyn care what society thinks of womyn? Do we feel that we need to change society's perception of womyn?